Welcome to the Florida Free Speech Forum

As an expression of the rational examination of ideas through free speech, the Florida Free Speech Forum, Inc., seeks the enhancement of life and freedom. This organization is open to public participation and endorses a belief in open and constructive dialogue. More information about us can be found here.

Programs are led by guest speakers on various subjects. Speakers are granted 30 minutes for presentation, followed by an additional 30 minute question and response session, on the subjects that are presented.   The Forum's programs with speakers are at noon on the second Monday of each month at the Paramount Plaza Hotel and Conference Center.  Make a reservation for the buffet lunch held at 11:30 AM by calling (352) 335-3938 or by using the online registration form by the Wednesday before the Forum.

Radio broadcasts of Forums are on the last Saturday of each month at 3:00 PM on WUFT-FM and WJUF-FM.

Visit our Archives to hear previous forums and our Programming Calendar for upcoming events.

Our Membership page contains details on how you can join the Florida Free Speech Forum.  Annual dues cover programming, and there are a variety of levels at which you can participate.

Luncheon information can be found on the online registration form.

"I say there can be no safety for these states without free tongues and ears willing to hear the tongues."

Walt Whitman